サイトアイコン 受験×ガチ勢×チート™【WEB問題集サイト】






例 know → クノウ×






① ○○と△△と、どちらがよいと思いますか。
  Which do you think better, ○○ or △△?

② ~はよいことだと思いますか。
  Do you think it is good ~?

③ ~は大切だと思いますか。
  Do you think it is important ~?

④ 〇〇は~すべきだと思いますか。
  Do you think ○○ should ~?




自分の意見 →Yes, I think so. / No, I don’t think so.
理由は2つあります →I have two reasons.

1つ目は、もしそうすることで、簡単に~できるからです。 →First, if people do so, they can V~ easily.
人々はーすることついての心配をする必要がないのです。…のとき。 →They do not have to worry about V~ing when ….

2つ目は、ーは役立ちます。Sが~するときに。 →Second, ー are helpful when S~.
人々は~する必要はない。もしーすれば。→People do not have to ~if they ー.

(まとめ:字数調整で削ったり、追加したり)これらの理由から~ →That is why~



もしこれをすると、~することがより簡単になるからだ。 →If we do this , it will be easier to ~. 
将来大人になったときに、これは役に立つだろう。 →It will be useful when I grow up in the future.

人々は多くのことを学ぶことができるからだ。 →They can learn many things.
たとえば、~について学ぶことができる。ーすることによって。 →For example, they can learn about ~ by ーing.

人々は~する時間が必要だからだ。 →They need time to ~.
ーは、~するチャンスを人々に与えてくれる。 →ーgives them a chance to ~.

人々はお金を節約できるからだ。→ people can save money.
Aは買うのにお金がかかるが、Vすることは無料である。→ A cost money to buy, but it is free to V~.

AはBよりも値段が高いからだ。→A are more expensive than B.
もし人々が~(B)すると、お金を節約できて、そして他のことに使うことができる。→If they ~(B), they can save money and use their money for other things.

もし人々がーするなら、人々はより~できるからだ。→ People can ~ better if they ー.
もしーがないとすると、人々はしばしばとてもAを感じるのでBできない。→ Without ー, they often feel too A to B.

it is important for ~toー. → それは~にとってーすることは重要だからだ。
This makes it easier for ~ to ー. → これは~がーすることをより簡単にさせる。




Do you think it is a good idea for people to have a car?

Yes, I think so. I have two reasons.

First, if people have a car, they can move easily from place to place.
They do not have to worry about changing trains or buses when they travel.

Second, cars are helpful when people go shopping.
People do not have to carry heavy bags a long way if they have a car.

Which do you think is better for people, borrowing books from libraries or buying books at stores?

I think it is better for people to borrow books from libraries.

First,people can save money.
Books cost money to buy, but it is free to borrow them from libraries.

Second, people do not need a lot of space for books if they borrow them from libraries.
They can use the space in their homes for other things.

Do you think school classrooms in Japan should use air conditioners in the summer?

Yes, I do. I have two reasons.

First, summer is getting hotter and hotter in Japan.
It will be easy for students to study during the summer if school classrooms use air conditioners.

Second, some Using students become ill if the classroom is too hot.
Using airconditioners in the summer will stop students from feeling bad.

What is the best age for people to start learning English?

Twelve years old is the best.

To start, it is important to learn your own language first.
Twelve-year-old children know how to read and write already.
This makes it easier for them to learn a new language.

Also, they understand why English is important.
Many young children do not know this, so they do not try hard.

Do you think it is important for people to eat breakfast every day?

I think it is important for people to eat breakfast every day.

First, people can study or work better if they eat breakfast.
Without breakfast, they often feel too tired to do anything in the morning.

Second, breakfast can be a good chance for people to communicate.
They can share information at the beginning of each day.

Do you think it is better for people to live in a house or in an apartment?

I think that apartments are better.

First, I think that houses are more expensive than apartments.
If people live in an apartment, they can use their money for other things.

Also, these days, many people live alone.
If you live alone, you do not need a lot of space.

Therefore, I think people should live in apartments.

Do you think it is good for children to watch TV?

I think that watching TV is good for children.

To begin with, they can learn many things.
For example, they can learn about the world by watching the news.

Also, children need time to rest.
There are many interesting TV shows, and watching TV gives them a chance to relax.

Therefore, I think watching TV is good for children.

Do you think it is important for students to learn how to give presentations at school?

Yes, I think so.

First, if students make presentations at school, it will be easier to make speeches in front of other people.
It will be very useful when they start working in the future.

In addition, they can learn computer skills.
When making presentations, people usually use computers.

Therefore, they will get better at using computers, too.








1 let
2 decide
3 train
4 travel
5 leave
6 park
7 order
8 lose
9 move
10 pay
11 wait
12 change
13 check
14 build
15 worry
16 plant
17 practice
18 care
19 describe
20 cost
21 turn
22 join
23 grow
24 save
25 win
26 pick
27 believe
28 report
29 forget
30 hurt
31 borrow
32 surprise
33 volunteer
34 carry
35 set
36 invite
37 happen
38 choose
39 guide
40 arrive
41 offer
42 remember
43 cancel
44 repair
45 excuse
46 Internet
47 idea
48 information
49 honey
50 fire
51 vegetable
52 situation
53 passage
54 event
55 ma’am
56 avocado
57 type
58 bakery
59 future
60 exercise
61 bottle
62 sign
63 service
64 garbage
65 customer
66 business
67 trouble
68 tour
69 race
70 environment
71 activity
72 other
73 different
74 important
75 special
76 enough
77 expensive
78 difficult
79 few
80 another
81 close
82 own
83 local
84 delicious
85 foreign
86 however
87 even
88 online
89 outside
90 instead
91 far
92 probably
93 though
94 actually
95 later
96 yet
97 quickly
98 inside
99 anyway
100 while
101 taste
102 fix
103 hold
104 collect
105 paint
106 copy
107 guess
108 create
109 allow
110 return
111 suggest
112 relax
113 add
114 reserve
115 design
116 follow
117 attract
118 pass
119 miss
120 recommend
121 serve
122 rent
123 wake
124 bake
125 prepare
126 damage
127 bear
128 seem
129 explain
130 cause
131 fill
132 kill
133 dress
134 throw
135 notice
136 result
137 front
138 recipe
139 area
140 visitor
141 clothes
142 plastic
143 chance
144 sale
145 skill
146 presentation
147 flight
148 wheel
149 product
150 meal
151 seed
152 land
153 medicine
154 reservation
155 space
156 apartment
157 insect
158 mall
159 smartphone
160 grade
161 police
162 prize
163 market
164 fair
165 section
166 price
167 fact
168 department
169 rule
170 nature
171 island
172 goods
173 firefighter
174 person
175 husband
176 item
177 neighbor
178 orchestra
179 gate
180 healthy
181 TRUE
182 afraid
183 dangerous
184 wild
185 safe
186 past
187 available
188 successful
189 perfect
190 less
191 easily
192 else
193 abroad
194 recently
195 nowadays
196 somewhere
197 forward
198 although
199 without
200 through
201 exchange
202 drop
203 climb
204 smell
205 date
206 introduce
207 recycle
208 perform
209 wish
210 marry
211 express
212 hide
213 protect
214 receive
215 steal
216 interview
217 feed
218 spread
219 deliver
220 search
221 bite
222 trade
223 announce
224 produce
225 share
226 draw
227 wood
228 reason
229 experience
230 bill
231 discount
232 form
233 owner
234 side
235 community
236 guest
237 performance
238 tool
239 century
240 dessert
241 poem
242 government
243 novel
244 professor
245 project
246 charity
247 million
248 instrument
249 mistake
250 earth
251 address
252 co-worker
253 cleaner
254 match
255 fan
256 grandparent
257 president
258 wallpaper
259 health
260 Europe
261 technology
262 suit
263 note
264 score
265 gift
266 rest
267 view
268 crowd
269 jazz
270 direction
271 topic
272 wallet
273 piece
274 package
275 teammate
276 playground
277 planet
278 salon
279 accident
280 actor
281 traditional
282 Russian
283 human
284 cheap
285 either
286 professional
287 similar
288 part-time
289 whole
290 frozen
291 central
292 loud
293 magic
294 pretty
295 certainly
296 finally
297 alone
298 therefore
299 lately
300 might
301 stand
302 reach
303 promise
304 film
305 fit
306 celebrate
307 stretch
308 cover
309 develop
310 solve
311 discover
312 continue
313 face
314 shape
315 print
316 lend
317 realize
318 wonder
319 die
320 pull
321 push
322 shake
323 agree
324 mean
325 mind
326 improve
327 include
328 enter
329 communicate
330 tourist
331 center
332 attention
333 couple
334 license
335 kid
336 desert
337 invention
338 chemistry
339 neighborhood
340 officer
341 moment
342 rock
343 cart
344 grass
345 traffic
346 staff
347 snake
348 grocery
349 fee
350 clothing
351 training
352 yoga
353 truck
354 forest
355 flavor
356 weight
357 subway
358 discovery
359 oven
360 ID
361 beginner
362 cough
363 firework
364 flag
365 housework
366 ant
367 ground
368 schedule
369 noise
370 storm
371 shelf
372 elevator
373 Pacific
374 careful
375 public
376 British
377 friendly
378 native
379 excellent
380 nearby
381 huge
382 main
383 fresh
384 usual
385 boring
386 colorful
387 scary
388 spicy
389 nervous
390 convenient
391 wide
392 elementary
393 once
394 anymore
395 almost
396 carefully
397 luckily
398 outdoors
399 clearly
400 against
401 connect
402 suppose
403 fail
404 display
405 compete
406 explore
407 raise
408 contact
409 attend
410 remove
411 complete
412 gain
413 balance
414 decorate
415 gather
416 bother
417 retire
418 hate
419 hug
420 support
421 touch
422 scare
423 hire
424 expect
425 publish
426 attack
427 measure
428 discuss
429 examination
430 research
431 amount
432 announcement
433 screen
434 advice
435 distance
436 shopper
437 director
438 technique
439 average
440 gallery
441 convenience
442 application
443 state
444 amusement
445 sight
446 matter
447 sauce
448 bottom
449 corner
450 principal
451 homestay
452 jellyfish
453 percent
454 lifestyle
455 career
456 goal
457 chef
458 fashion
459 relative
460 credit
461 challenge
462 luck
463 backyard
464 emergency
465 favor
466 Olympics
467 fever
468 campus
469 photographer
470 bar
471 laundry
472 refrigerator
473 modern
474 common
475 extra
476 national
477 real
478 comfortable
479 possible
480 recent
481 least
482 normal
483 international
484 asleep
485 active
486 lonely
487 regular
488 bright
489 correct
490 relaxing
491 unfortunately
492 downtown
493 mostly
494 nearly
495 heavily
496 anytime
497 except
498 behind
499 neither
500 none
501 lay
502 block
503 hunt
504 grill
505 count
506 guard
507 lift
508 hit
509 pour
510 confuse
511 press
512 broadcast
513 lie
514 review
515 quit
516 remind
517 separate
518 wipe
519 rescue
520 translate
521 fight
522 invitation
523 trash
524 success
525 safety
526 tradition
527 tournament
528 spot
529 title
530 science fiction
531 weekday
532 spider
533 sausage
534 seafood
535 boyfriend
536 diver
537 trick
538 memory
539 article
540 membership
541 factory
542 coupon
543 coach
544 battery
545 interest
546 knee
547 character
548 detail
549 effort
550 climate
551 middle
552 purpose
553 danger
554 knowledge
555 brand
556 importance
557 instruction
558 network
559 championship
560 closet
561 audience
562 cash
563 photography
564 headphone
565 journey
566 debate
567 heater
568 dentist
569 platform
570 flour
571 hero
572 lobster
573 makeup
574 nut
575 path
576 several
577 valuable
578 scared
579 ancient
580 electronic
581 elderly
582 certain
583 harmful
584 electric
585 female
586 daily
587 cute
588 helpful
589 private
590 basic
591 Atlantic
592 male
593 advanced
594 additional
595 especially
596 nicely
597 indoors
598 afterward
599 deeply
600 whenever
601 control
602 belong
603 destroy
604 accept
605 disappoint
606 greet
607 disturb
608 advise
609 breathe
610 combine
611 crash
612 earn
613 hang
614 cheer
615 escape
616 waste
617 lead
618 replace
619 require
620 invent
621 organize
622 pack
623 upset
624 respect
625 select
626 phrase
627 sense
628 stair
629 scarf
630 risk
631 teenager
632 strength
633 semester
634 teamwork
635 secret
636 sunshine
637 silence
638 value
639 employee
640 expert
641 energy
642 adult
643 author
644 athlete
645 Egypt
646 boss
647 equipment
648 advantage
649 airline
650 engine
651 ability
652 aisle
653 entrance
654 conversation
655 custom
656 button
657 choice
658 counter
659 discussion
660 adventure
661 anniversary
662 avenue
663 explorer
664 essay
665 fitness
666 aquarium
667 headache
668 channel
669 harvest
670 bonus
671 electronics
672 file
673 herb
674 serious
675 wealthy
676 terrible
677 quiet
678 round
679 crowded
680 amazing
681 double
682 dental
683 classical
684 awake
685 equal
686 alive
687 audio
688 brand-new
689 Christian
690 giant
691 rather
692 twice
693 quite
694 sometime
695 ahead
696 completely
697 exactly
698 forever
699 whatever
700 whoever
701 trust
702 warn
703 weigh
704 judge
705 ring
706 memorize
707 reply
708 sail
709 wave
710 imagine
711 shoot
712 skip
713 spell
714 swing
715 wrap
716 ignore
717 paste
718 knock
719 encourage
720 decrease
721 access
722 avoid
723 concern
724 contain
725 manage
726 approach
727 beat
728 depend
729 disappear
730 act
731 castle
732 salmon
733 method
734 site
735 tablet
736 opinion
737 instance
738 instructor
739 roll
740 scene
741 style
742 policy
743 rush
744 sample
745 partner
746 keyboard
747 tutor
748 position
749 puzzle
750 nation
751 scenery
752 highway
753 lime
754 objection
755 ketchup
756 rainbow
757 imagination
758 puppy
759 row
760 horn
761 impression
762 leather
763 lifeguard
764 palace
765 photocopy
766 pole
767 politician
768 residence
769 spice
770 total
771 version
772 nephew
773 statue
774 soldier
775 patient
776 various
777 laptop
778 violent
779 noisy
780 personal
781 unique
782 tight
783 mixed
784 typical
785 independent
786 nonsmoking
787 wooden
788 narrow
789 absent
790 sincerely
791 originally
792 suddenly
793 poorly
794 straight
795 upstairs
796 hopefully
797 physically
798 anywhere
799 beyond
800 below







